Monday, July 25, 2011

The First Big Harvest

I stole a minute away from work(s) to play in the garden Saturday afternoon. Though it was 90 degrees outside, with a smidge (read: a lot) of humidity clinging to the air, I picked our first big harvest...about two dozen ears of corn, several squash, tomatoes, peppers and still more broccoli. Later that day, I ate two ears of corn. YUMMY! 

The vegetables seem to be loving this hot, wet summer. The foliage on the tomato planets continue to grow outside of their cages and the squash seem to be unable to align with the fence. Instead, their tentacles would rather crawl through and wrap around the corn. A friend told me that's how Native Americans used to grow corn and squash anyway--simultaneously and symbiotically--so we must be doing something right.

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