Monday, June 17, 2013

 “Today was lonely. Usually I have many visitors, but today…no one came to visit. I am quite the wonderful host. I am very friendly; almost 700 friends are connected to me. Although, my best friend is Mr. Des M. River, you can stand, bounce, jump, ride, and sit on me. Even your dog poops on me and I don’t get angry. There used to be coal mining around here, but that stopped a long time ago. So, that can’t be it.  I offer a great view. You can see Highway 210 bridge from my front porch. Maybe no one can hear me because I stand 13 stories tall and am 2,530’ long? Or, maybe people are afraid of heights?”

Hey, Mister?


“Maybe it isn't you! Maybe it's the party upstairs dropping water all over us.”

Crossing the bridge on bikes, in the middle of a rainstorm, with nowhere to go except through it or ahead of it. Pure misery.

There is no turning back now!

On a different, less dark, day. Absolutely beautiful!


Hwy 270, I believe


bob said...

At this very moment, there are a bunch of people in Spain looking for a bridge...

jm's greenspace said...

Haha! Very funny, Bob! Thanks for reading! Much appreciated!