Tuesday, May 10, 2011

And, They're Off!

For 2011, we planted some of the same from last year, yet some different...
  • Eight rows of corn
  • Two rows of enormous sunflowers (which grow to at least 12' tall at their peak)
  • Two row of multi-colored sunflowers (which grow to approximately 7' tall)
  • Two beds of pumpkins and winter squash, respectively
  • A few dozen strawberries
  • Ten pepper plants, including jalapeno, sweet pepper, banana pepper, green pepper, Asian pepper
  • Eight tomato plants
  • Broccoli
The day was hot. Our backs are sore. And, I even cut my leg on old chicken wire that was hiding in a mound of dirt and dried brush.

This week the temperature will reach 95 degrees! YOWZA! With that, other planting, including the wildflowers, roses, and general landscaping (yet to be decided) will happen later this week, when cooler weather prevails.

For now, here is our baby...

You can see the rhubarb taking off. It is too late too pick but it's fun to watch it grow like crazy!


Kate said...

I can't wait to be on the receiving end of your bounty later this summer!

jm's greenspace said...

You are definitely going to get some goods this summer...assuming everything goes well! :)

Deena Nicole said...

This is amazing, Jessica! I love the idea of having a little garden plot, especially since I live in an apartment. I was thinking about growing some veggies this year in pots on my balcony, but not sure if there is enough sunlight. Now you've given me a new idea and inspiration! Looks beautiful!